American Legion Post #116 is proud to call Louisa County our home. We are the world's largest Veterans organization with over 2.4 million members working through nearly 15,000 community level posts.
If you have served at least one day of active military duty since December 7, 1941, and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion.
The American Legion is built on a promise from men and women who swore with their lives to defend and protect the United States through military service. The promise begins at enlistment, grows through training and discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces and continues after discharge, as veterans in service to community, state and nation.
Among American Legion members, there is no rank or prejudice, only purpose. A veteran is a veteran. And the purpose of veterans in The American Legion is to strengthen the United States of America through programs, services, compassion and actions that have proven vital, timeless and life-changing for over a century. We are proudly dedicated our efforts toward 'Advancing the Vision' which mean the Legion mentors and leads new generations of Americans. If you live in Louisa, you can see this momentum in our County and it's with American Values, Patriotism, Family, and the entire Community spirit as we rally around our youth in the various programs.
Monthly Membership Meetings: 3rd Thursday at 1900 hrs.
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